Sunday, July 1, 2012


It has come to my attention that some of you wanting to comment cannot. As in, you type up your comment nice and pretty, click publish, and then it disappears into oblivion.

I have not forgotten you! This evening I sat down with a friend, equipped with Skype, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and tabs of Blogger, Troubleshooting Blogger, and Keith Green (what? Gotta listen to something. :D). And... I think we figured it out. Maybe.

I think it's a third party cookie issue. So if you have disabled third party cookies, you will need to enable them. Another possible solution from my end I believe I have fixed, so if you could kindly (patiently!) try some test comments. Let me know in the comment what you're trying. And if you can't post, please email me at This is a special email I made just for you all! :)

So please leave a comment, send me an email, help me figure out what's going on with this!



Aaron said...

I think I had third party cookies enabled...
I totally removed Firefox and reinstalled it (gotta add AdBlock Plus back in!). This resolved a few other issues I was having with Firefox as well as this posting issue.

ed.pratt said...

mmmm, cookies.