Thursday, June 16, 2011

It is finished (for now)

I graduated on Saturday. Yay! Cum laude, too. (That means I got to hang a white cord around my neck.) :) Then on Monday through today, my class and I were at the lake, celebrating in our newfound freedom and mourning the loss of such an amazing class. And now, at 10:45 pm, I am sitting in my incredibly messy room with my duffle bag packed for White Sulphur Springs, and notes for thank you notes in front of me. And listening to the thunderstorm outside. Which, along with the late hour, is making me wish I was in bed. So these thank-yous will have to wait. And so will this blog. I'll be in the land of the internet-less, otherwise known as rural Pennsylvania, for two weeks, and then on to the beach with family. That will be LOADS of fun, so I'll be sure to mention that once I have Avniel (my trusty laptop) with me again and connected to the web.

So I must say adieu and good night!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Soon, but not yet

Well. Today marked the end of the last high school class I will ever take. It's a strange feeling - wonderful yet sad. I've been at my school (K-12) for 10 years. The people in my class are pretty much the only people I've known in classes. Several people are going to the same college, but only one other girl from church is going to the college I'm going to. And our schedules (stayed up late trying to find stuff to work) don't match up at all. Ah, well, to each major his own classes. I am excited for the new start though.

Despite the last day of classes today, I don't graduate until Saturday. That will be wonderful. I'm so excited!

Oh, and the title was taken from Tangled. Hehe. ^_^

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Of Carabiners and Exhaustion

I promised myself I would blog more often, so I'm trying. However, it is 10:30, and after a long day of school and rehearsal for the upcoming choral concert, I cannot think or write clearly. Thankfully, I have an arsenal of writing from creative writing during the fall semester. This is for the rock-climbing fanatics out there.

Climb Away

My muscles freeze
Refuse to move.
That smells wafts towards me from
The crevice I am about to
Squeeze my fingers into.
Wait. My nails
Scratch the face, bringing pain
And the awful sound.
Gravity pulls against me,
Ropes begging me to climb.
My arms and legs burn
From the position I squat on
The vertical face. Toes
Protest from the jammed cracks.
Warily I eye the potential hold.
Wearily I hold my position.
No spiders. Choose another crack.

The pitted rock is not comfortable
Under calloused hands. Fingers tremble.
I rest one arm
And then the other.
No change. Knuckles are frozen
Into place by exhaustion.
I dip my hand
Into the bag at my hip
And tighten the chalky hold.

Sweat drips down my undershirt
Chilly despite my warmth.
I fight the urge to wipe
My forehead. Hair is plastered to
My cheeks, the back of my neck.
Arms wobbling, I shove my toes
Into a hole. My legs burn
But I straighten.
Fingers find awkward holds—
Anything to keep from falling.
The rope holds me, wiggles in
Anticipation of the next move.
I sniff back liquid, inhaling the
Fragrance of sweat.
A carabiner jingles,
Anxious to be back in
The backpack, with his
I lunge for its twin,
My lips press a greeting on
The cold metal.
I settle back in the harness.
Every muscle groans with
Relief. But I’ve got the
Best seat right here.