Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For a purpose

The chapter today was "You are not an accident." It's easy to think that when reflecting upon my twisted background, but the truth is, I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for those times. The trials that really hurt then I look fondly upon now. I am a stronger person because of them. For that I am thankful.

A stanza of a poem I wrote a long time ago read "God's planned you, your future, your life, don't ever think that not so. Don't ever believe that Satan's knife could cut you away from God's love." He planned my life to go as it is. I am who God made me to be. And the great thing is, you are too!

That doesn't mean that we can do whatever we want and God still loves us. It means that he created us to be the people we are, and we are to use that to the best of God's glory.

Speaking of God's glory. Remember how I mentioned something different for today? A new book is coming out soon! (No, not mine. I'm far from getting published.) And I mean really soon! It's called Masters and Slayers and it's by Christian fantasy author Bryan Davis. Mr. Davis is a pretty cool author, and his books are pretty awesome as well (one series actually helped me strengthen my faith. God's done some neat things through Mr. Davis). He's written Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire (a companion series) as well as this new series. It's actually two series', a teen series and an adult series (they can be read together or separate). The first book of the teen series came out earlier this year and it's called Starlighter. It was a great read. The characters draw you in from page one and the plot moves quickly. You don't want to miss it. The first book in the adult series is Masters and Slayers. Website? Since you all loved my review so much, here's the website where you can buy these books at a great price.

And now, for a special sneak peek of MaS...

(watch and listen...not only is it pretty, but I had to type out the full embed code and it'd be nice if you repaid me for my hard work. >.<)

Something else to look forward to...I hope to have a recording of this song soon. A recording done by me (and possibly someone else...we shall see).

*tired* Goodnight!

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