Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Power of Prayer

There can be miracles...when you pray!

Yesterday, on the second-to-last day of September, I sat down at my computer, preparing to write. I wrote, but something gnawed at me to look back at the testimony I wrote the year before, October 9, 2009. I read through it and was in awe once again of how God answers prayers. I decided that it had been about a year since my last testimony, why not rewrite it to reflect this past year?

So I started doing that. I pulled up old prayers and journal entries to see how God connected the dots. Miracles happened. Lots and lots of miracles. But they only happened when I sat down to pray and to let God do the work.

Last summer, I read a book by Eric Ludy called The Bravehearted Gospel. It's a very manly book, but it stirred me so much. I remember praising God for giving Eric the courage to write this book--it stirs you to the bone! Recently, I lent my copy of the book to a friend, and earlier today he told me that he was really enjoying the book as well! Since it had been so long since I looked on the Ludy website, I checked it out.

And was floorstruck as I read some of the things on the blog! Eric Ludy and his wife Leslie started a school for the bravehearted about a year and a half ago, and some of the things that have happened there just blew me away! For instance, one week over the summer, the girls spent praying without ceasing. They each took an hour with two or three others over the course of the day to pray. They had a list of prayer requests in hand and just lifted them up. At the end of the week, so many of those requests had been answered.

When the school was just starting, Eric and Leslie went through an old journal of his from seventeen years ago, in which he wrote down the idea for a bravehearted school. The details of the first class were just amazing because God had answered that idea in the flesh. He opened the doors for them for this school to open.

I don't know about anyone else, but all of these testimonies (including my own) have completely inspired me to fire up my prayer life again. Life is so busy, but if I want God to be working, I better get praying first!

Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. ~Psalm 37:4

Shalom to you!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Indeed, prayer is the most powerful tool we have!

I have so many prayers answered on a daily basis, large and small. God is amazing, isn't He?

Olivia (a.k.a. PonyTales)